How can I get faster broadband in a rural area?
Many of us now take super-fast broadband for granted. But those living in rural areas can find themselves hindered by frustratingly slow speeds. That can have an impact on everything from leisure time to the ability to work remotely from home. So if you are living in rural Ireland, how can you make sure you are getting the fastest internet available? Here are some simple steps you can take.
Slow broadband or slow WiFi?
Slow internet doesn’t necessarily mean a slow broadband connection. Simple steps like putting your router in different areas of your home to see if its position impacts the speed of your internet might help. Read our blog to learn about other troubleshooting tips that may help to boost your speeds.
Take a speed test
If you still have slow internet, then it could be your broadband speed. Find a free online broadband speed test that tells you how fast your broadband upload and download speeds are.
Find out your best possible speeds
Once you know what speeds you are capable of getting, the next step is to see if they are in line with what is available in your area. Broadband is continuously being rolled out to more locations in rural Ireland. So, what were the fastest available speeds in your area a year ago may not be the fastest available speeds anymore.
Pure Telecom offers a broadband availability checker that allows you to find out what speeds can be reached in your area. You can use the results of this checker and compare it to the speeds you are actually getting. This will help you to determine whether the connection from your broadband provider is under- or over-performing.
Make the switch
If your broadband connection is slower than the best speeds in your area and you have tried all of our troubleshooting tips, it could be time to make the switch. At Pure Telecom, we are confident that we can provide the very best broadband speeds available in your location. Call us today on 1800 844 023 and based on your budget, we can discuss what options and packages are available to you.