5 tips for faster broadband
Nowadays, people are reliant on their broadband connection for finding out information, keeping in touch with people, and watching films the list goes on and on! But all of these activities rely on your broadband being up to speed and able to manage the demands of your household's internet usage. With that in mind, here are some tips that will help you get faster broadband.
Purchase the right connection
From the outset, it is important to pick the right broadband connection for your requirements. Whether you spend hours downloading and streaming your favorite television programs or simply use the internet to check your emails, it is wise to assess your daily use before choosing a broadband service, because this will determine the broadband speed that you need. If you intend to use the internet to play games and watch movies every evening, you will need faster >broadband.
Plug it in
WiFi is great and everything, but sometimes it is best to go old school and actually plug the cable into your computer. This will usually have an immediate impact and give your faster broadband right away. Of course, it wont work for your mobile devices and it will be dependent on both the connection that you have and your location.
Pick your place
Technology has come a long way in recent years but bricks and mortar can still affect your broadband connection. If you want faster broadband, make sure your router is placed in the optimum position in the house. The larger the distance between your router and the device you are using, the weaker your signal is going to be. Try to place the router in an elevated position and keep doors open; the fewer solid objects or materials the signal has to travel through, the stronger it will be.
Purge your devices
Ever consider the possibility that it might be your device that needs to be tended to, as opposed to your broadband connection? From updating your anti-virus protection to ridding your device of programs you no longer use, there are a number of ways to free up some disk space and increase the reaction time of your device.
Place a limit
The more devices that are connected to your broadband, the more pressure there will be on your connection. If you want faster broadband, dont have all of your devices connected to it all the time. Perhaps you have a work phone that could be disconnected from the internet in the evenings, or maybe you should password-protect your router so that only a limited number of people can log on.
- At Pure Telecom, we pride ourselves on finding the right broadband connection for you, be that fibre broadband or broadband with a home phone.
- We provide a range of packages, including faster broadband options with speeds ranging up to 100Mbps, which allow our customers to browse and stream as much as they want.
- For more information on the range of broadband services and options that we offer, get in touch with the team today!